As Hurricane Helene approaches Tampa Bay tonight, it’s crucial to ensure that you, your family, and your home are as safe and prepared as possible. With storms of this magnitude, last-minute precautions can make a significant difference in weathering the storm. Here are some essential hurricane preparation and safety tips to help you stay safe during this event:

1. Secure Your Home

  • Bring in Outdoor Items: Anything that isn’t bolted down should be brought inside. This includes lawn furniture, grills, potted plants, and any other outdoor items that could become dangerous projectiles in strong winds.
  • Board Up Windows: If you haven’t already done so, secure your windows with storm shutters or plywood to prevent damage from flying debris.
  • Reinforce Doors: Ensure all exterior doors are securely closed and locked. If possible, use storm doors or reinforce them with additional hardware for extra security against high winds.
  • Check for Leaks: Inspect your home for areas that could be vulnerable to flooding or leaks. Sandbags and waterproof tape can help protect these spots.

2. Stock Up on Emergency Supplies

  • Water and Food: Aim to have at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food and one gallon of water per person per day. Don’t forget food for pets as well.
  • First Aid Kit: Make sure your first aid kit is fully stocked, including medications for any medical conditions you or your family members may have.
  • Batteries and Flashlights: Power outages are almost guaranteed during hurricanes, so have extra batteries and working flashlights on hand.
  • Chargers and Power Banks: Charge all electronic devices fully, and make sure to have backup chargers and power banks ready in case of extended outages.

3. Review Your Evacuation Plan

  • Know Evacuation Routes: If you live in a flood-prone area or have been instructed to evacuate, make sure you know your evacuation route. Tampa Bay’s local authorities have clear routes mapped out, and it’s important to leave early if advised.
  • Have a Go-Bag Ready: If evacuation becomes necessary, having a go-bag packed with essentials—clothes, medications, important documents, and emergency cash—will help you leave quickly.
  • Stay Informed: Follow official updates from local news stations, the National Hurricane Center, and Tampa Bay emergency services. If evacuation orders are issued, follow them immediately.
  • Find Nearby Shelters: If you’re unable to stay in your home or need to evacuate, a list of public shelters in Pinellas County can be found here.

4. Prepare for Power Outages

  • Backup Power Options: If you have a generator, ensure it’s in working order, and never operate it indoors. If you don’t, make plans for alternative lighting and cooling options in case of a prolonged power outage.
  • Fill Bathtubs with Water: This can provide water for flushing toilets and other non-drinking uses if the municipal water supply becomes unavailable.

5. Stay Safe During the Storm

  • Stay Indoors: As soon as the winds pick up, stay indoors, away from windows and doors. The safest place is usually an interior room or a small, windowless space such as a bathroom or closet.
  • Listen for Alerts: Have a battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio to stay updated on the storm’s progress and potential dangers.
  • Avoid Driving: Flooded streets and high winds make driving extremely dangerous. Stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary.

6. After the Storm

  • Wait for the All-Clear: Don’t leave your home until local authorities announce that it’s safe. Even if the storm seems to have passed, hazards like downed power lines, debris, or localized flooding could still be present.
  • Check on Neighbors: If safe to do so, check on elderly or vulnerable neighbors and make sure they are alright.
  • Document Damage: If your home is damaged, document it with photos and contact your insurance company as soon as possible to begin the claims process.

Hurricane Helene is a reminder of the unpredictable power of nature. Preparation is key to ensuring that you and your family can ride out the storm safely. Take these last-minute precautions to protect your home and loved ones, and remember that safety is the top priority. Stay calm, stay informed, and stay safe, Tampa Bay.

For further updates, follow local authorities and Tampa Bay’s emergency services, and check back with us for more helpful tips during and after the storm. If you need a shelter, find the nearest one on the Pinellas County Public Shelters list.