When we think of quality content, we think of content that packs a punch. Great content has oomph and it reels in the reader in. It engages people on a deeper level rather than just making them laugh at cute kittens. It grabs attention, creates excitement, and generates a call to action. The reader or viewer wants to know more, to click ahead, to see what happens next in your company’s story.
Quality content is about connecting with the audience. It’s informative. It’s entertaining. It’s like regular content, but on steroids.
Quality not quantity
Now, of course size matters. Nobody wants a small glass of beer. However, when it comes to content, it’s not the amount that you churn out that’s important, it’s the quality that counts.
Now, take your charming customers, for example. They can be fickle. That’s OK, we are all a little fickle in today’s drive-through, scroll-past, spoiled-for-choice world. Content is everywhere: TV, social media, radio, the internet. So, if you want to get on board the quality content train, here’s what not to do:
1. The hard sell
When you do the hard sell, you’re like Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball. Except less kick-ass and more annoying. Get it? The hard sell is content of poor quality and can be spotted a mile off. It’s a major turn off – like the content writer’s equivalent of a bucket of cold water on a hot date. Avoid like the plague.
2. The search engine flop
Quality content deserves to be discovered – shine a big old spotlight on it by Including target keywords, engaging headlines, compelling calls to action, high-quality images, and optimize for SEO.
3. The snore-fest
We’ve all been cornered at a party by someone who only wants to talk shop. Frankly, it’s dull. You might nod politely for a few minutes, but your eyes are scanning to room, looking for an out. Quality content means finding an interesting angle, and a way to connect your product or service to the customer’s life. Think about your target audience, the challenges they may face, and possible solutions to these problems. Tips and troubleshooting guides are helpful.
4. The rehash
Haven’t got something new to say? Then, don’t. Newsflash: rehashing existing articles is a content writing no-go, and adds nothing of value. Copy and paste yourself into the content creator time out, and think about what you did. Aim for quality content that people love to share. Entertain people. Inform them. Resonate with them. Be unique. Provide value. Find a different viewpoint.
All aboard
OK. So you’re on board the quality content train. Choo choo, sweetie, good for you. You know what it takes and you want to produce content that counts, but you don’t have the time. Because, you know, you’re running a business. Relax, we understand.
At Hashtag Creative, our writers will create original quality content that will draw customers to your website like trainspotters to a steam engine convention. We can get on with marketing people love, and you can get on with running your business.
Tempted? Well, then. All aboard the quality content train.