Happy Birthday, Hashtag!

August 18, 2022
Posted in News
August 18, 2022 Hashtag

Happy Birthday, Hashtag: 5 Awesome People Born in August 

Excuse the mess, but we’re celebrating our 7th birthday! And yes, thank you for saying it, we don’t look a day over 6. Just do us a favor, OK? Don’t tell us what that makes us in dog years

So, Happy Hashtag-iversary to us! And if you were also born in August, happy birthday to you too. You share your birth month with some pretty cool dudes. To celebrate, let’s take a peek at our five fave folks born in August, and why we think they’re so fabulous.

  • Coco Chanel

As a design icon, we admire Coco Chanel’s creativity, style, innovation, and confidence. We also love that although she was born into poverty, she went on to make her success.

  • Lucille Ball

You know her as the star of ‘I Love Lucy’ but did you know that she was the first woman in television to head her own production studio? This firecracker of a comedy genius was a risk taker who changed the rules of Hollywood. We love her sense of humor and bravery.

  • Neil Armstrong

He’s famous as the first person to step foot on the moon in 1969, but this NASA astronaut shied away from the spotlight to become a college professor. He inspired the whole world to dream of possibilities without limits and we love his quiet confidence, and sense of adventure.

  • Barak Obama

As the 44th president of the US, he displayed tremendous leadership skills and built a strong team around him. We love that he’s authentic, can take the lead in a crisis, is culturally sensitive, is a good communicator, can motivate others, and above all, we love his positive attitude. 

  • Mother Teresa

As an icon of humanitarian aid, Mother Teresa taught us to put others first and to invest in improving the lives of those deserving in our community. We value her compassion, and love of diversity, and praise her for her charitable work. We’re proud to work with so many worthy nonprofit organizations such as PEDP, MS Happens, ARC, and Stageworks, and we love playing a part in their success and helping them to reach more people. 

Born under the sun

A study by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology showed that people born in the summer months are likely to be more positive. And hey, we dig that. 

Those born in August are known as trailblazers. If horoscopes are your thing, you’ll know that August people are either:

Leo: confident, bold, outgoing, and likes to be the center of attention.


Virgo: hard-working, intelligent, and dedicated.

When Sue set up Hashtag Creative in 2015, she knew they had all of these qualities and more.  Seeing the success that Hashtag has become makes all of the hard work and risks worthwhile. 

As we blow out the candles and reflect on the successes and challenges along the way, we say “here’s to the next 7 years, and cheers to our trusting clients for believing in us.” We don’t know what the future will bring, but we know we will spend it doing what we love

Working for you all year round

Sure, August is a special month for us at Hashtag Creative but we create marketing strategies and Social Media campaigns all year round. 

Our impressive portfolio of clients ranges from various sectors such as legal, entertainment, nonprofit, healthcare, restaurants, and more. We’re always thinking ahead to seasons, holidays, and national and international days so that we can plan content. We’re always focused on news, current events, trends, and pop culture and how this will affect our clients so that we can pivot and adapt our strategies. Our team is always switched on and two steps ahead.

So, if your business is ready to take it to the next level with website design, content creation, and marketing, we’re ready to get you there. You’ll be amazed at the results. Let’s talk


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about any of our products or services.

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Whether it’s a website, a social media campaign, or a branding overhaul, we’re here to bring your vision to life with creativity and precision.

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Compelling content drives engagement. Let’s create messages that captivate your audience and elevate your brand.

CALL: 727-258-5822
