Hurricane Season 2023

July 24, 2023
Posted in Community
July 24, 2023 Hashtag

Let’s Be Good Neighbors This Atlantic Hurricane Season 2023

Last hurricane season, we wrote about how to keep your business afloat when it’s impacted by severe weather. Sure, you remember. Things like staying connected, using the technology tools available to you, using your website as your business shop front, holding virtual meetings, and maximizing your social media. 

The year before, we wrote about what you and your family can do to stay safe by preparing for the hurricane season. 

But today, we’re focusing on community spirit. 

What can you, as an individual or business owner, do to help others? 

Guys, let’s make a pact. Let’s be awesome neighbors this Atlantic Hurricane Season. 

Gonna be a doozy

So, as you know, the Atlantic Hurricane Season goes from June 1 to November 30, so the 2023 season is officially underway. And honestly, it doesn’t feel that long since the last hurricane bashing of ’22.

Now, NOAA predicts an ‘almost normal’ hurricane season, with 12 to 17 named Atlantic storms, and out of these, 5 could become hurricanes. However, experts have told us to expect the unexpected. 

There’s a strong possibility that El Nino will dominate this year’s hurricane season, with its hotter tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures. The worry is that this warmer water could contribute to a more active 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season. And because of the unpredictability of the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season, computer models have predicted a super active season.

Here’s the message: it’s never been more important to keep yourself, your family, and your community safe.

Good neighbors

Being a good neighbor means helping others to prepare for the worst, and helping them to recover if affected by a devastating hurricane. 

  1. Prepare

When stocking up on your own emergency supplies, check on your neighbors, especially those who are less able to get around. Help a neighbor with their hurricane shutters, clearing the gutters, or securing lawn furniture. 

  1. Communicate

Share helpful tips and resources on hurricane preparation, staying safe, weather updates, and local government advice.  

As a business owner, you can use your website and social media platform to share safety tips and stay in touch with your customers.

  1. Work Together

If your community needs help in the aftermath, work together and reach out to local community resources such as the Florida Division of Emergency Management, FEMA, Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, Red Cross, and Tampa Bay Thrives Let’s Talk Helpline. 

  1. Donate

As an individual or business owner, donate to support the essential work of organizations helping our communities.

The Red Cross will prepare for, respond to, and help people recover from disasters. Remember how incredible this organization was, providing recovery assistance and helping people in Florida after Hurricane Ian and Nicole? Well, they’ll be there in the aftermath of the 2023 hurricane season with residential damage assessment, emergency financial assistance, shelter, food, and more. 

Habitat for Humanity is engaged in long-term recovery efforts. Let’s not forget also the statewide efforts of Florida Disaster Fund, and World Central Kitchen, who do amazing work in our communities.

Be the beating heart of your community

At Hashtag Creative, creating marketing people love and getting big bold results for our clients is important to us. However, our community is number one.

For years, we have been part of the fabric of St. Pete. We stand for community, togetherness, and helping others

We are proud to work with many non-profits and business owners who get involved with their communities. We are there for our clients in good times and crises.

Working together, both our businesses and our community can thrive.

So, this Atlantic Hurricane season, stay safe and be a good neighbor. Our team will work tirelessly through rain and shine. 

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