4 Top Tips on How to Nail it

You put your little heart into running that business of yours. You’ve invested time, energy, and money. So why is the phone not hopping?

Could it be that you’re like a well-kept secret and customers can’t find you?

It’s time to cast off that invisibility cloak and learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Once you master this, people can find you online when they search Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

So, imagine you’re a lawyer practicing in St Pete. Chances are, someone who needs your services will type in ‘lawyer’ and ‘St Petersburg’ into a search engine, right? So, did they find your website? Or was your website buried on page 10 of the search results?

Go on, Google your business. We’ll wait…

Thankfully Hashtag Creative is at hand, so let’s look at 4 ways that you can boost your discoverability.

Let’s talk SEO…

  1. Use your keywords

Remember the example of ‘lawyer’ and ‘St Petersburg’? These are keywords: words associated with your business.

It’s time to make a list of 30+ keywords that are relevant to what you do: your product or service, location, and what’s unique about your business. Next, use these keywords in your website, this will help you to rank higher when someone uses those keywords in a search. Use keywords in the URL (website address), titles, and metadata descriptions.

  1. Be helpful

Think about the questions people type into search engines: how to fix this, or where to buy that. Be a helpful little business elf and answer those questions by publishing helpful, quality, how-to, informative content and videos. Be the expert in your field.

Remember to stay current and publish regularly, develop a strategy, and use a content calendar to always plan ahead for holidays and events.

  1. Be sociable

If you haven’t got social media channels for your business such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, it’s time to join in the conversation. If you do have social media set up, look objectively at how it’s doing: there’s always room for improvement.

Is your content engaging? Are you using the best photos for your business marketing? Our 7 Deadly Sins of Social Media blog should scare you straight, so get with the program!

  1. Be user friendly

We can’t stress enough the importance of having a website that not only looks cool but that’s easy to navigate and is user-friendly. People need to be able to check out your products and services and see what you’re all about.

Remember that the website needs to be optimized for mobile platforms since most of us use our smartphones to look at websites. If your site speed is sluggish, you’ll irritate the reader, so make sure that’s up to scratch.

Helping you climb the SEO ladder

Reach for the stars but have some patience: climbing the SEO ladder takes time. Remember, you can measure your progress. We show our clients their Big, Bold Marketing Results every month, so they can see how well our marketing campaigns are working for them.

Marketing is a specialist area, even though the really slick campaigns make it look easy. Our talented team is a master of web design, logos, branding, social media, and content creation. We understand that what worked for a client last year might not do the trick this year, and what smashed it for one client might not fit the next. Hey, that’s why our marketing is tailor-made.

Making your business stand out from the competition in a world full of noise is tough. At Hashtag Creative, we’re happy to share our secrets with you, because creating marketing people love is what we do best.

Step 1 on the SEO ladder is getting in touch. Are you ready to see your business reach new heights?